OASIS Clinic for Neurophysiological Wellness
We need your active Support:
- Funds and Fund-Raising - all types, direct and indirect - Donations, contributions, Grants, Endowments, All Forms.
- Specific Resources - from laboratory instruments to special computer aids to bicycling, hockey and riding helmets!
- PR, Image, Visibility - Removing misunderstandings, stigmas and downright bad, unhealthy attitudes toward neurological disorders and diseases and the people with such conditions.
- Legal, Technical, & Infrastructure - If you are an attorney, a paralegal, a CPA, a bookkeeper, an admin assistant, a student, a person who can type, draw, call, speak, write - You Can Help!
- SHOWING the World that people Can an Will DO when they are given the opportunity. Even if they have trouble walking, standing, speaking, and doing a lot of other functions that too many of us take for granted and assume everyone should be able to do - or else disappear quietly and be silent.
- Well, the (R)Evolution is ON, and We ARE Going to Change the World for the Better.
See Our WANTS and NEEDS - a constantly-updating annotated list.
OASIS Clinic needs YOUR involvement, engagement and support. We are bona fide, we are Real Science and Medicine, we are Real People, and we are operating not-for-personal-or-investor-profit.
We do not ask for internet donations, and we don't believe in giving portions of your support funds to PayPal or Indiegogo or some PR/advertising agencies. We ask you to support us directly. Start by contacting us - directly.
We welcome persons as Board members, and as active professionals to participate in the activities thus described. Contact us. Support us. It is for You and Your Families and Our Society.