OASIS Clinic for Neurophysiological Wellness

Special Wants and Needs
Please SUPPORT Our Work

OASIS Clinic for Neurophysiological Wellness

We need your active Support and here are some Specifics:

  • Funds and Fund-Raising - even modest or deferred-until-later contributions, gifts, and grants for our Work.

  • HELMETS - Bicycle, hockey, and equestreian riding helments, for persons who are in constant severe risk of head juniries in their homes and wherever they move about.

  • HOLIDAY CHEER - Do you know what a simnple short visit, or a phone call, or a friendly chat over the internet, can DO for a person who is Depressed because of his or her ND or that which afflicts a close family member or friend? Make the time, you have it!

  • Locator Devices - for persons, to wear, and also for many things that persons with ND (neurological disorders and diseases) misplace and cannot find around the house, yard, anywhere.

  • Railings and Supports - aids for people to avoid and minimize potentially lethal or severely disabling FALLS.

  • Transportation - vehicles and drivers for occasional trips for different individuals, mostly short in distance and duration.

  • Vitamins and Supplements - things not covered by any health insurance policies.

  • Intern and Apprentice Help with Phone and Email - for instance, in calling different companies and organizations, and affluent community members, to get SUPPORT for what we are Doing, and for things on this list of Wants and Needs.

  • Well, the (R)Evolution is ON, and We ARE Going to Change the World for the Better.

OASIS Clinic needs YOUR involvement, engagement and support. We are bona fide, we are Real Science and Medicine, we are Real People, and we are operating not-for-personal-or-investor-profit.

We do not ask for internet donations, and we don't believe in giving portions of your support funds to PayPal or Indiegogo or some PR/advertising agencies. We ask you to support us directly. Start by contacting us - directly.

We welcome persons as Board members, and as active professionals to participate in the activities thus described. Contact us. Support us. It is for You and Your Families and Our Society.

Please contact OASIS Clinic at

+1 (231) 492-8301 or +1 (505) 926-1399 or write to

oasisclinic [at] tdyn.org
rachelcereth [at] tdyn.org
martinjoseph [at] tdyn.org
makar.duncan [at] gmail.com

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I Can You Can We Will


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Copyright © 2019, OASIS Clinic for Neurophysiological Wellness