OASIS Clinic for Neurophysiological Wellness


OASIS Clinic for Neurophysiological Wellness

We need your active Support:

  • Funds and Fund-Raising - all types, direct and indirect - Donations, contributions, Grants, Endowments, All Forms.
  • Specific Resources - from laboratory instruments to special computer aids to bicycling, hockey and riding helmets!
  • PR, Image, Visibility - Removing misunderstandings, stigmas and downright bad, unhealthy attitudes toward neurological disorders and diseases and the people with such conditions.
  • Legal, Technical, & Infrastructure - If you are an attorney, a paralegal, a CPA, a bookkeeper, an admin assistant, a student, a person who can type, draw, call, speak, write - You Can Help!
  • SHOWING the World that people Can an Will DO when they are given the opportunity. Even if they have trouble walking, standing, speaking, and doing a lot of other functions that too many of us take for granted and assume everyone should be able to do - or else disappear quietly and be silent.
  • Well, the (R)Evolution is ON, and We ARE Going to Change the World for the Better.

See Our WANTS and NEEDS - a constantly-updating annotated list.

OASIS Clinic needs YOUR involvement, engagement and support. We are bona fide, we are Real Science and Medicine, we are Real People, and we are operating not-for-personal-or-investor-profit.

We do not ask for internet donations, and we don't believe in giving portions of your support funds to PayPal or Indiegogo or some PR/advertising agencies. We ask you to support us directly. Start by contacting us - directly.

We welcome persons as Board members, and as active professionals to participate in the activities thus described. Contact us. Support us. It is for You and Your Families and Our Society.

Please contact OASIS Clinic at

+1 (231) 492-8301 or +1 (505) 926-1399 or write to

oasisclinic [at] tdyn.org
rachelcereth [at] tdyn.org
martinjoseph [at] tdyn.org
makar.duncan [at] gmail.com

Home Page

I Can You Can We Will


Special People, Special Needs

Copyright © 2019, OASIS Clinic for Neurophysiological Wellness